Permaculture Design Course at La'akea Community starts this Saturday – Sign up for all or just join us for the day.  See Details Below!


Designing For Sustainability and Food Security
Permaculture Design Course at La'akea Community
Two weekends/month: Oct 12-13 & 19-20, Nov 2-3 & 16-17, Dec 7-8 & 14-15, 2013

Acquire skills for local food security and create resilient home systems

Learn underlying whole systems ecological design processes and techniques, tools and methodologies
Immerse yourself in a permaculture based intentional community

Weekend course meeting schedule for working island residents
On island instructors and presenters
Get professional support for your own design projects as part of the course
Develop relationships with island neighbors and established organizations and professionals

Full course fee - $897

$50 discount for two or more registering together with full deposit

Registration and full details: or contact for more information.


Day Classes: Join us for one or more.  $10 discount for each additional class you register for.  24 hr. advance registration required. Fee includes delicious & nutritious lunch with locally grown produce!

Oct.12th, 10:30 – 5pm  Foundations of Permaculture $75

Intro to Permaculture:  Philosophy and Ethics, intro to Ecology, Patterns, La’akea Site Tour providing examples of the Permaculture Principles.  Seed saving and GMOs with Lyn Howe & Geoff Rouch.


Oct. 13 th 10:30-3:30  Cultivated and Wild Ecologies $75

Ecosystems & biodiversity, Canoe plants, nutrient cycling, compost, cover crops, mulch, nitrogen fixers, hands–on coppicing activity.


Oct. 19th 9:30-5pm  Whole Systems Design $100

Whole systems design, design processes, zones & sectors, ahupua’a, mapping, surveying, body metrics, climate profiles, slope & orientation.


Oct. 20th 9:30-3:30  Soil Over and Under $75

Geology, soil structure/ecology/fertility, mushrooms, nutrient teas, natural farming, soil testing & assessment, Hands-on Hugelkultur, mulching.


Nov 2nd 9:30-3:30  Utilizing Water on the Landscape $75

Watershed, keyline design, ponds & dams.


Nov. 3rd 9:30-3:30  Plants in our Landscapes  $75

Land restoration, botany & plant id, forestry & forest gardens, orchards & polycultures, edible landscaping, guilds.


Nov. 16th 9:30-3:30  Animals as Part of System Design  $75

Animal husbandry & livestock; microlivestock, IPM, bees & pollinators, plant pathologies & plant propagation techniques.


Nov. 17th 9:30-3:30  Tropical, Dryland, Temperate Strategies $75

Dryland techniques vs. tropical & subtropical, cold & mediterranean, carbon farming, gray water, humanure.


Dec. 7th 9:30- 5:30 pm Social Permaculture, Invisible Structures $100

Green business, alternative finance, legal structures, “everything I want to do is illegal” FIELD TRIP in the afternoon to Lyn & Geoff’s farm & Clive’s farm.  See a small scale family subsistence farm and learn about soil building with Clive.


Dec. 8th   9:30-12:30 Human Settlements $50

Historical patterns, urban permaculture, village design, community panel with representatives from local communities in Puna.


Dec. 14th 9:30– 3:30  Appropriate Technology $75

Natural building, home retrofitting.