Communication and Authentic Relating
Mondays 7-9pm
Start May 29th
End July 24th
RSVP 808-443-407
Drop ins usually welcome
Would you like to experience more ease and loving connection in your relationships?
Would you enjoy having a connective supportive group to meet with every week for a while?
How do we stay connected when our needs seem to be conflicting with others?
Emotional problems between people are often the main reason for breaking up relationships, businesses and communities.
But the skills of communication and self resourcing can be learned. Enabling you to enjoy close loving connections with friends and family.
We will work on finding safety within ourselves, to allow for vulnerability and trust in connecting with others.
The classes engage participants with activities centered around connection. Connection with self and with others plays an essential role in authentic relationships, building trust, creating environments for clear communication and personal growth.