Happy Holidays!

It’s been an exciting month. The land next door just went up for sale! There’s an offer by a friend of La’akea and we’re excitedly awaiting the owner’s decision. Please cross your fingers with us!

We’re experiencing the winter Hawai’i rush. Usually by Dec/Jan we fill up with visitors and farm supporters. This year is no exception. It’s nice having all the support and watching the land transform. If you live locally and would like to visit for a tour, an educational work party or a meal send an email to tracy@permaculture-hawaii.com or text her at 808-443-4076.

Next month Tracy will be facilitating a zoom workshop - “Coming Home to Yourself”. If you’ve noticed your inner critic has been louder than your angel we highly recommend checking this out. This 12 week course increases your access to your inner power. Past participants have appreciated the exercises and the collaborative container.
Check out - 


If you’re looking for some hands on permaculture instruction our friend Bruce Horowitz has a PDC in February. This will be taught at Sundari. Tracy will be a guest instructor. For more information see:


Our 2025 Dancing in Paradise Retreat has a waitlist! If you want on the list Check out -


And please don’t forget we’ll be celebrating our 20th La’akea style by hosting our annual new culture winter camp March 12th-21st. We’re gathering a great group of presenters. Judy Dolmatch will be sharing Playback theater, Improv and a Death Cafe. Miranda will help us get our boogie on with her energizing energy and music choices. Kalama will help us with our Erotic Communication, Eve will lead us in some Power Dynamics through Contact Improv and Shoshannah will be back for our Forums!!! Plus so much more. To register please click here:


Hope to see you soon!


La’akea Community 

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