Starting in 2006

In the beginning in 2006:

That’s Dona walking from the main house to the meadow space. We’re blazing new trails in our 6 acres of Ohia forest to enable us to remove non-native species, plant native, edible and useful species.




Here’s our new fruit tree nursery. We’re propagating species such as: abiu, avocado, cacao (chocolate), mango, jackfruit, rollinia, soursop, mamae zapote, and many more to plant at La’akea and to plant in other landscapes throughout the big island. In addition to maintaining our existing orchard areas, we are preparing to plant hundreds of new fruit trees at La’akea. La’akea began as a lime and guava orchard and over 100 of these trees remain.


Here’s us harvesting water weeds (azolla) from the Meadow Pond. We’re clearing more surface area for swimming and using the weeds to mulch and fertilizer our apple bananna grove next to the pond.




Here’s Aniko in our “Marigold Greenhouse.” We’re installing raised beds in the greenhouses to increase soil depth – using harvested peach palm trees which will regrow from the stumps.



Biko and Tracy enjoying a relaxed weekly business meeting. We have a weekly business meeting and a weekly community gathering to discuss what’s going on for us.



We’ve revamped our aquaculture tanks which grow plants and fish, and will soon provide nutrient rich water to our gardens and nursery area.

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