Hello everyone!

We have had a busy year so far, with wonderful events and many beautiful friends visiting us! 

We worked very intensely on our new porch at the main house, and it was a wonderful collaborative effort between our many fine carpenters and painters.  Take a look at the photos below! It hugely expanded the space we have to be in this covered area together, including room for many eating tables and a hang out area with couches. The ohia posts were harvested and peeled and sanded from dead trees on our land. 

We also finished a beautiful bath house with an actual bathtub! and we replaced our old leaking wooden hot tub with a new ferro cement one. I included pics below.

We hosted a beautiful camp for Dances of Universal Peace called Dancing in Paradise. We already have our dates for next year, at the beginning of February, and hope you can join this uplifting event.  https://danceandsufiretreats.com/dancing-in-paradise%2C-hi-1

And then Winter New Culture Camp in February and was really deep as usual. our next Winter camp will be actually in March to celebrate our 20 year reunion!  So we are calling it New Culture 20th Reunion camp.


In April we did a more advanced camp called Conscious Connections Retreat!  We also hosted traditional Shamans from South America for a couple of beautiful retreats. Now we are resting from all the winter activity.

We are very excited to host a new event this year that brings us back to our internship days! It’s a Two Week Community Immersion! We’re calling it Living Harmony. 

Living Harmony: Permaculture Community Immersion and Training

This training will give a sampling of some of the ways we relate to the land and each other, all led by experienced teachers.  Learn about how to communicate well with others, how to listen well when someone is emotional, how to run a meeting smoothly, and more!

The event also has participants joining us on the land as we plant trees and work in the garden, process food, cook meals together and other hands on projects.  This is a great time to come meet our members, ask questions about living in community and get a peek into our daily life.

If you know anyone who has been dreaming about community and might be interested, please pass along the link. 

And just recently we approved a new member!  Teo Jerge is a father, farmer, and partner with 30 years of experience in working with plants and ecosystems. He has studied Soil Biology with Elaine Ingram and Advanced Permaculture for Climate Change at the University of Oregon. 

Teo is currently focused on Earnst Grosch Syntropic Agroforestry, Aquatic Systems, Regenerative Agriculture and Silva Pastures. His expertise and dedication make him a valuable asset to the farming community. He is the father of Phoenix, a  6 year old who loves going to the beach!

Phoenix’s mother Serra also became a trial member recently, so their whole family has been living and growing with us.  Serra is a mother, partner, herbalist, musician, medicine woman, and guide for the sovereign soul, Serra has amassed 15 years of invaluable expertise.

Serra is driven by a profound love for nature and strives to reconnect people to the natural world around them, as well as the nature within themselves. She accomplishes this through her music, spiritual wisdom, and the ceremonial wild harvesting and wildcrafting of food and medicines. Serra’s mission is to assist individuals in remembering their deep love and connection for the Earth, fostering a sense of unity and respect for the planet we call home.

We are glad to have them all with us!

Nathan and Teresa have decided to go adventuring to explore other possibilities, specifically hoping for a larger community with ore children. They are letting go of their trial membership status and have bought electric bikes to go touring.

My article in Communities Magazine on Conflict in Community was published this summer! Here’s a link to the finished writing:


The article contains references to my journey raising Ai’ala in community as well as many other examples and references to daily life here at La’akea! It includes the lyrics to a song written by Lisa Hrbeck, a long term farm supporter and almost trial member who is now in South America exploring her desires for travel and new adventures! If I had a dime for every visitor and farm supporter who has touched my life deeply and left a lasting impression I’d be a financially rich human! I’m perfectly happy and in fact joyous with what i do have….. an amazing amount of social equity.

Thank you all for being a part of my extended Ohana!

Tracy and the folks!